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ECI Development Practices

ECI Build Engine

The ECI build engine is used to build ECI targets from source (see Build ECI). The ECI build engine can generate Deb packages and bootable images for virtual and real targets.

ECI uses Integration System for Automated Root (ISAR) v0.9 for Debian*-based filesystem generation.

At the core of ISAR, the bitbake (BB) build engines use Debian Schroot interactive shells to build every ECI custom package individually from third-party software vendors. Intel Edge Control softwares and Intel LTS Linux BSPs are build from open source stable reference.

Image generators assemble a Debian chroot from both Linux* distribution official mainline and custom packages APT repositories.

Note: ECI 2.x poky Legacy used for Yocto bitbake (BB) build leverages layer from OpenEmbedded (OE) core universe with the meta-intel and BSPs.

ECI Source Code

Source code for ECI components is located in the release archive: eci-release/targets/layers. This directory is organized by bitbake meta-layer. Each meta-layer contains bitbake recipes that correspond to various components included as ECI custom Debian packages.

Within the recipe directory are files with the following bitbake ISAR recipes file extensions :

  • *.deb - Component redistributable Debian package

  • *.tar.gz - Component source code


Other recipe directory provide a minimal ECI 2.x Legacy bitbake Poky recipes :

  • *.tar.gz - Component pre-compiled binaries

  • *.src.tar.gz - Component source code

Develop Deb Packages

This section explains the steps to create and build bitbake ISAR recipes.

The following steps are applicable to:


Step 1: Set up Build System

This step will prepare your build system for development.

  1. Download the ECI release archive, if not done already.

  2. Copy the eci-release.tar.gz archive from the ECI release archive ( to the Linux* build system. Make sure that there are no spaces in the directory path. For example, copy the archive to ~/Desktop. The eci-release.tar.gz archive is located in the ECI release archive within the Edge-Controls-for-Industrial directory as follows:

    └── Edge-Controls-for-Industrial
        ├── Dockerfiles.tar.gz
        └── eci-release.tar.gz
    Copy to clipboard
  3. Extract the archive. In Ubuntu*, right-click the archive and select Extract Here.


    The directory contents should be similar to the following:

  4. In a development system (example Ubuntu), open a terminal to the eci-release directory. Right-click anywhere in the directory explorer and select Open in Terminal.


Step 2: Create a Meta-layer

This step describes the procedure to create a bitbake meta-layer, which will hold custom bitbake recipes for building Deb packages. It is a good practice to create a new meta-layer for development, so as not to contaminate the existing ECI meta-layers.

  1. Open a terminal to the eci-release directory, and create the following directory structure under targets/layers/:

    $ mkdir -p targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/conf/ && touch targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/conf/layer.conf
    $ mkdir -p targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application
    $ tree targets/layers/meta-vendor-application
    Copy to clipboard
    ├── conf
    │   └── layer.conf
    └── recipes-application
    Copy to clipboard
  2. Edit the BB layer configuration file to define the meta-layer structure:

    $ vi targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/conf/layer.conf
    Copy to clipboard

    Copy the following configuration example to the layer.conf file. This example configuration is compatible with ISAR >= v0.6 .

    # We have a conf and classes directory, add to BBPATH
    BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}"
    # We have recipes-* directories, add to BBFILES
    BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes-*/*/*.bb \
    BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "vendor-application"
    BBFILE_PATTERN_vendor-application := "^${LAYERDIR}/"
    BBFILE_PRIORITY_vendor-application = "7"
    LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_vendor-application = "v0.6"
    Copy to clipboard
  3. Create a meta-layer YAML file for the KAS tool:

    $ touch targets/kas/meta-vendor-application.yml
    $ vi targets/kas/meta-vendor-application.yml
    Copy to clipboard

    Copy the configuration example below to the meta-vendor-application.yml file.

    # Vendor layer
      version: 3
        path: targets/layers/meta-vendor-application
    Copy to clipboard

Step 3: Create a Recipe

This step describes the procedure to create a custom bitbake recipe, which defines the steps to build a Deb package.

  1. Create a new recipe named in the meta-vendor-application/recipes-application directory:

    $ touch targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application/tutorial/
    $ tree targets/layers/meta-vendor-application
    Copy to clipboard
    ├── conf
    │   └── layer.conf
    └── recipes-application
        └── tutorial
    Copy to clipboard
  2. In this example, the Debian hello package will be built. Edit the recipe with the following contents:

    inherit dpkg
    Copy to clipboard

Step 4: Start a bitbake Environment

This example will show the steps to start a bitbake environment for packages-bullseye, which can be used to debug during development.

  1. Run the script and select core-bullseye as the ECI target to build (Step 1 to Step 3 in Build ECI Targets).

  2. After setting up the build target, the script will prompt: Do you want to run an automated build? [Y/n].


    Press n at the prompt to choose a manual build.

  3. Run the commands output by the script, but modify the last command. Change build to shell, and eci-core-bullseye.yml to eci-packages-bullseye.yml. Then, append the path of the meta-layer YAML meta-vendor-application.yml:

    $ KAS_CONTAINER_IMAGE=jammy-kas-isar:3.0.2 ./kas-container --git-credential-store ${HOME}/.git-credentials shell targets/kas/eci-packages-bullseye.yml:targets/kas/meta-vendor-application.yml
    Copy to clipboard
  4. After executing the kas-container command, a bitbake environment should be available:


    See also

    Refer to bitbake Command Reference for common bitbake commands and their usage.

Step 5: Build a Recipe

This example will show the steps to build a bitbake recipe into a Deb package.

  1. From the bitbake environment, execute the bitbake command to build a recipe. This example will build the tutorial recipe:

    $ bitbake tutorial -v
    Copy to clipboard

    ISAR will first instantiate a build environment, which can take a few minutes. Eventually, the bitbake recipe will build, and you should see a success message:

    NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 37 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
    Copy to clipboard

    Exit the bitbake environment with the exit command.

  2. Verify whether the Deb package was built. In this example, the eci-packages-bullseye build is examined:

    $ tree build/eci-packages-bullseye/tmp/deploy/isar-apt/eci-bullseye-amd64/apt/eci-bullseye/pool/main/
    Copy to clipboard

    The hello Deb package is now available, as specified in the recipe:

    └── h
        └── hello
            ├── hello_2.10-2_amd64.deb
            └── hello-dbgsym_2.10-2_amd64.deb
    Copy to clipboard

Debian Package Development Concepts

This section will cover some of the more fundamental concepts of developing Deb package recipes. Before completing this section, it is recommended to become familiar with ISAR and the bitbake environment by completing the Develop Deb Packages section. The following concepts will be visited:

See also

For additional guidance on developing Debian packages using ISAR, refer to the ISAR User Manual.

Bitbake and ISAR Variables

Many of the standard bitbake variables are available for use with the ISAR build tool. The following list is not comprehensive, and only represents some of the commonly used variables:

  • DEBIAN_DEPENDS - Deb packages that the package depends on. These dependencies will be installed by the APT package manager when the Deb package is installed.

  • DEPENDS - Lists a recipe’s build-time dependencies (that is, other recipe files).

  • MAINTAINER - The maintainer of the Deb package.

  • PR - The revision of the recipe.

  • PV - The version of the recipe.

  • SRC_URI - The list of source files — local or remote. This variable tells BitBake which bits to pull for the build and how to pull them.

See also

For a complete list of bitbake variables, refer to the bitbake variables glossary.

Raw Copy Reference Recipe

This example demonstrates how to build a package that does not compile source and only needs to install content.

  1. Open a terminal to the eci-release directory.

  2. Create the following directory structure under targets/layers/:

    $ mkdir -p targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application/myexampleapp && touch targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application/myexampleapp/
    $ mkdir -p targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application/myexampleapp/files && touch targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application/myexampleapp/files/
    $ tree targets/layers/meta-vendor-application
    Copy to clipboard
    ├── conf
    │   └── layer.conf
    └── recipes-application
        └── myexampleapp
            ├── files
            │   └──
    Copy to clipboard
  3. Edit the file with an example message:

    $ echo "Example content for the myexampleapp-raw recipe" > targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application/myexampleapp/files/
    Copy to clipboard
  4. Edit the recipe with the following contents:

    inherit dpkg-raw
    DESCRIPTION = "Example raw installation package"
    MAINTAINER = "Your name here <>"
        apt, \
    SRC_URI += " \
        file:// \
    do_install_append() {
        install -v -d ${D}/opt/mycontent/
        install -v -m 644 ${WORKDIR}/ ${D}/opt/mycontent/
    Copy to clipboard
  5. Start a bitbake environment and build the recipe:

    $ bitbake myexampleapp-raw
    Copy to clipboard

Upstream APT Reference Recipe

This example demonstrates how to build an existing package by sourcing from the distribution APT repository.

  1. Open a terminal to the eci-release directory.

  2. Create the following directory structure under targets/layers/:

    $ mkdir -p targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application/myexampleapp && touch targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application/myexampleapp/
    $ tree targets/layers/meta-vendor-application
    Copy to clipboard
    ├── conf
    │   └── layer.conf
    └── recipes-application
        └── myexampleapp
    Copy to clipboard
  3. For this example, the Debian hello package will be used. Edit the recipe with the following contents:

    inherit dpkg
    Copy to clipboard
  4. Start a bitbake environment and build the recipe:

    $ bitbake myexampleapp-apt
    Copy to clipboard

Upstream Maintained Reference Recipe

This example demonstrates how to build an existing package by sourcing from the distribution maintainer GIT repository.

  1. Open a terminal to the eci-release directory.

  2. Create the following directory structure under targets/layers/:

    $ mkdir -p targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application/myexampleapp && touch targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-application/myexampleapp/
    $ tree targets/layers/meta-vendor-application
    Copy to clipboard
    ├── conf
    │   └── layer.conf
    └── recipes-application
        └── myexampleapp
    Copy to clipboard
  3. In this example, edit the recipe with the following contents:

    HOMEPAGE = ""
    PROVIDES = "hello"
    inherit dpkg
    PV= "2.11"
    PR = "-1"
    SRC_URI = " \
       git://;protocol=https;branch=main \
    #hello (2.11-1)
    SRCREV = "6ae3e385fd13da34bff2c07885cba7ae977fc22c"
    S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
    Copy to clipboard

    Note: You may inherit dpkg-gbp when rebuilding packages maintained with the Debian Git build package (gbp.conf).

    For example, the Debian lmbench package:

    # Package lmbench since it is non-free and not available in Debian APT by default
    HOMEPAGE = ""
    PROVIDES = "lmbench lmbench-doc"
    inherit dpkg-gbp
    PV= "3.0"
    PR = "a9+debian.1-3"
    SRC_URI = " \
       git://;protocol=https;branch=debian \
    #version 3.0-a9+debian.1-3
    SRCREV = "d4b9366e733cfd52801a961eedea3a96a610d449"
    S = "${WORKDIR}/git"
    Copy to clipboard
  4. Start a bitbake environment and build the recipe:

    $ bitbake myexampleapp-git
    Copy to clipboard

Custom Kernel Module DKMS Recipe

Note: Intel® ECI makes generic assumptions that any Linux Out-Of-Tree (OOT) kernel module will install using DKMS - Dynamic Kernel Module Support

  1. Open a terminal to the eci-release directory.

  2. Create the following directory structure under targets/layers/:

    $ mkdir -p targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-kernel/mydrivers/mydevice
    $ cp mydevice-driver-1.0.tar.gz targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-kernel/mydrivers/mydevice/
    $ touch targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-kernel/mydrivers/mydevice/dkms.tmpl
    $ touch targets/layers/meta-vendor-application/recipes-kernel/mydrivers/
    $ tree targets/layers/meta-vendor-application
    Copy to clipboard
    └── recipes-kernel
       └── mydrivers
          ├── mydevice
          │   ├── dkms.tmpl
          │   └── mydevice-driver-1.0.tar.gz
    3 directories, 3 files
    Copy to clipboard
  3. Edit the recipe with the following contents:

    SUMMARY = "mydevice linux OOT driver"
    DESCRIPTION = "mydevice driver for linux"
    require recipes-kernel/linux-module-dkms/
    SRC_URI += "\
       file://mydevice-driver-${PV}.tar.gz \
       file://dkms.tmpl;subdir=debian \
    S = "${WORKDIR}/mydevice-driver-${PV}"
       debian/dkms.tmpl \
    # Module source directory
    # and kernel module Makefile
    Makefile \
    src \
    # DKMS_MODPROBE_CONF_FILES variable can append more
    # kernel module configuration files
    # for example:  blacklist-mydevice.conf
    Copy to clipboard
  4. Edit the dkms.tmpl recipe with the following contents:

    CLEAN="make -C ${kernel_source_dir} M=${dkms_tree}/${DKMS_PACKAGE_NAME}/${PACKAGE_VERSION}/build clean"
    MAKE[0]="make -C ${kernel_source_dir} M=${dkms_tree}/${DKMS_PACKAGE_NAME}/${PACKAGE_VERSION}/build modules"
    Copy to clipboard
  5. Start a bitbake environment and build the recipe:

    $ bitbake mydevice
    Copy to clipboard

bitbake Command Reference

Here are a few commonly used command line options for bitbake:

Command Lines


bitbake <recipe>
Copy to clipboard

Builds the <recipe> under Debian Schroot environment

bitbake <recipe> -v
Copy to clipboard

Builds the <recipe> under Debian Schroot environment show verbose output

bitbake <recipe> -c devshell
Copy to clipboard

Instantiates the <recipe> under Debian Schroot environment interactive shell

bitbake <recipe> -c do_build
Copy to clipboard

Builds the <recipe> under Debian Schroot environment then exit when dpkg-buildpackage completes

bitbake <recipe> -c clean
Copy to clipboard

Cleans previously built artifacts of the <recipe>

bitbake <recipe> -c cleansstate
Copy to clipboard

Cleans both previously built artifacts and APT repository packages SSTATE cache of the <recipe>

bitbake <recipe> -c cleanall
Copy to clipboard

Cleans both artifacts previously built, APT repository packages SSTATE and download caches of the <recipe>

bitbake <recipe> -e
Copy to clipboard

Shows individual bitbake variable values

bitbake --help
Copy to clipboard

Gets usage help

Custom Debian Live System Image containing ECI Deb Packages

Debian offers a live system ISO image, which can be used to install Debian to target systems. This installation method can be automated, and is often preferred over other methods. Follow these instructions to create a Debian live system ISO image containing the ECI Deb packages.

The following steps are applicable to:

  1. Download the ECI release archive, if not already done.

  2. Copy the eci-release.tar.gz archive from the ECI release archive ( to the Linux build system. Make sure that there are no spaces in the directory path. For example, copy the archive to ~/Desktop. The eci-release.tar.gz archive is located in the ECI release archive within the Edge-Controls-for-Industrial directory as follows:

    └── Edge-Controls-for-Industrial
        ├── Dockerfiles.tar.gz
        └── eci-release.tar.gz
    Copy to clipboard
  3. Extract the archive. In Ubuntu, right-click the archive and select Extract Here.


    The directory contents should be similar to the following:

  4. On the Linux build system, open a terminal to the eci-release directory. In Ubuntu, right-click anywhere in the directory explorer and select Open in Terminal.

  5. Build a Docker image for the containerized build environment:

    $ docker build ./targets/docker/eci-create-debian-live -t eci-create-debian-live --build-arg http_proxy
    Copy to clipboard
  6. Generate the Debian live system ISO:

    $ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":"$PWD" -e DIR_ECI="$PWD" -e http_proxy="$HTTP_PROXY" --pid=host --privileged eci-create-debian-live
    Copy to clipboard

    A message will be printed if the build is successful:

    P: Build completed successfully
    Copy to clipboard

Once the generation is complete, the Debian live system ISO containing ECI packages will be available at: build/official-bullseye-live-image/live-image-amd64.hybrid.iso.

You can write this image to a USB stick, and boot from it to start the Debian live system installer.